About me

Hi. My name is Sophie and I am a Freelance Writer and Social Media Consultant, alongside my full-time social media job in London. 


I’m a twenty-something professional who graduated in anthropology in 2011. I never did become an Anthropologist. But I took the fascination with different cultures and ways of living that I developed during my degree, and decided to try and live as much as I can in the wider world.

After living and working in London for a while, I realised that I no longer wanted to be location dependent. So I am now a digital nomad: a serial expat with a laptop, a notebook, a camera, and a penchant for following the sun.

Brief work history:

  • Web & Social Executive, London Business School (current)
  • Web & Social Coordinator, London Business School
  • Social Media Assistant at UK publisher Hodder & Stoughton
  • Client Executive at Burson-Marsteller PR firm in London
  • Social Media freelancer for Secret Sales and Austin Reed
  • Freelance content writer for BUYability
  • Blogger for tennis website Grand Slam Fantasy Tennis

What can I offer? 

Experienced, informative and engaging copy in every form from blogging to newsletters.  With years of both in-house and freelance experience in social media, I also offer social media consultancy, planning and execution.

Why cycling? 

It was 1999 and I was on holiday with my family in the South of France. And, to my huge excitement, we were off to see a stage of the Tour de France start. I was a grand total of nine years old (too terrified to let go of my Dad’s hand in the crowd) but already a huge cycling fan, and determined to get what I wanted: a King of the Mountains polka dot jersey cycling cap. I was completely fascinated and, yes, a little bit besotted with the mountain climbers of the Tour de France. Richard Virenque in particular. I didn’t get to see the man in the throng of colour, gears and tan lines that make up the start of a stage, but I did get my beloved cycling cap with the bright red polka dots. My love affair with cycling (and complete fascination with Kings of the Mountains) had only just begun.

Want to talk all things Giro, grupetto, yellow jersey and Alpe d’Huez? Great, so do I.

Why travel? 

Turns out a degree in anthropology only fanned the flames of my desire to travel and experience as much of the wider world as possible. Rather than being a backpacker I prefer to take it slow: my goal is to become a serial expat rather than a serial hosteller.

I’ve got lost in a German forest, had an airport ‘experience’ of epic proportions in Moscow, road-tripped to Luxembourg, got lost (again) in Sarajevo, and wandered the mountains of Italy.

Give me sun, a camera, a notebook and a good wifi connection, and watch me go.

Want to get in touch? 

Feel free to contact me!

You can also follow me on Twitter and Instagram.

4 thoughts on “About me

  1. Your story is really fascinating! How did you make the jump from anthropology to social media? I’m thinking of making a career jump in the future (from education to publishing/editing/maybe design) and I would love to hear any advice you can think of!

    1. Thanks for commenting! It was a bit of a strange jump ha. I did a graduate scheme in a PR firm when I left university and the only thing I enjoyed about it was the social media monitoring. I hated the job so I left and did some freelance writing work for a client I had already worked for through uni. She needed social media work too, so I made myself sound a lot more proficient than I was and offered to do it for her. I just learnt on the job and did a lot of googling, but after taking on another client I gained a lot more experience so decided to go full-time. I got the job at the publisher’s after a few months freelancing. I think taking small steps to get into the industry you want, through things like freelancing and part-time work, is super helpful. It shows them you have drive to do the work when it’s not a full-time paid profession. That’s what I’ve found anyway, I hope that’s helpful even if just a little 🙂

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